More rubidium/lithium drilling to commence in WA.
This morning our exploration investment Aldoro Resources (ASX: ARN) confirmed that a rig contract had been signed for a 40-hole, 3,500m drilling program at its rubidium/lithium project in WA (Wyemandoo), with drilling expected to start within the next 5 days.
The drilling program which will be done with an RC drilling rig looks to have been designed around the targets generated from previous sampling programs and will test the previously identified pegmatite outcroppings the company finds scattered over the project area.
The ultimate aim will be to test the thickness, depth and orientation of the outcropping pegmatites and to see whether or not they contain economic levels of rubidium/lithium.
This drilling program comes after the company recently completed a 65 hole RC drilling program at another one of its rubidium/lithium projects in WA (Niobe).
Here the company had already established an exploration target of between 33,000-150,000 tonnes of rubidium oxide with grades ranging between 0.07 and 0.15%.
We are now waiting on the assays from the drilling program here before we get a better understanding of whether or not the drilling program can convert that exploration target into a maiden JORC resource estimate.
Both of these speak to key objectives #1 and #2 of our 2022 ARN Investment Memo which can be viewed by clicking on the image below.
In our Memo we detail the key reasons we continue to hold ARN in our portfolio, what we want to see the company achieve in 2022 and the key risks to our Investment thesis.